It’s never too late for anyone of any age to learn ballet. Study the fundamentals of ballet while improving posture, flexibility and balance in a welcoming environment. This is the perfect level for students who have no prior dance experience or knowledge of ballet terminology. Come sweat with us and get moving during the weekend!
*This level is geared towards students age 16 & up who wish to start dancing or return to a passion for dance.
Date 日期:3/7, 10/7, 17/7, 24/7, 31/7
Time 時間:Saturday 星期六 10:45-12:15
Instructor 導師:LEUNG Chunlong 梁晉朗
Quota 名額:12
Fee 費用: $1,500 (5 classes) / $350 (drop-in)
Purchase an Eligible Pass 購買適用的課卡 :