These interactive intimate workshops are a wonderful opportunity for intermediate and advanced students to learn well-known classical ballet choreography with variations focusing on technique, musicality and performance quality. After warm-up pointe work at the barre to help students find their placement and build muscle strength, professional HKB teachers will provide individual corrections and suggestions for improvement. Students will learn one variation over four weeks, so they can learn and perfect the elegant choreography.
*This level is geared towards students ages 16 & up; It is recommended that students should have considerable ballet training with a minimum of 2 years of pointe experience.(If muscles need further development, students may participate on demi-pointe.)
Date 日期: 3, 10, 17, 24 July
Time 時間:Saturday 星期六 14:00-15:30
Instructor 導師:Jessica BURROWS
Quota 名額:10
Fee 費用: $1,200 (4 classes)