Students use the ballet barre to learn technique and vocabulary, exploring ballet enchaînements weekly to ultimately create an entire classical variation. This critical level lays the classical ballet foundation and moves at a pace that facilitates better understanding and safety.
Spring Workshops Schedule 春季工作坊日期
Date 日期:3/6, 10/6, 17/6, 24/6
Time 時間:Thursday 星期四 17:00-18:00
Instructor 導師:Irene LO
Mode 形式:In Studio/ Online 面授/網上
Quota 名額:10
Fee 費用:網上 Online: $480 (4 classes 堂)
實體 In-studio: $960 (4 classes 堂 )
*Students can still change from online to in-studio mode after the series starts. Please inform us to enroll and top-up the fee.
*課程開始後,學員仍然可以由網上轉為面授形式上課。 請聯絡我們以作安排及補足學費。
Purchase an Eligible Pass 購買適用的課卡 :