*Hybrid: In-Studio & Online Streaming 面授+網上直播*
For committed dance students who want to take ballet training to the next level, this classical programme provides critical foundational techniques, creative artistry and dynamic performance skills in a supportive environment to develop strong, expressive dancers.
*For students with at least 4 years of ballet training and ready to take on pre-pointe level. (Level ref: equivalent to RAD Grade 6 or Intermediate Foundation level or above)
*學生須有最少4年經驗,並準備接受初階足尖訓練。(相對於RAD G6 或Intermediate Foundation 程度或以上)
Date 日期:11/5, 18/5, 25/5, 1/6
Time 時間:Tuesdays 星期二 18:00-19:10
Quota 名額:15 (Max. 10 ppl in the studio 面授最多十人)
Fee 費用:網上班 HK$480 (4 classes 每4節)
實體班 HK$960 (4 classes 每4節)
*Students can still change from online to in-studio mode after the series starts. Please inform us to enroll and top-up the fee.
*學程開始後,學員仍然可以由網上轉為面授形式上課。 請聯絡我們以作安排及補足學費
Purchase an Eligible Pass 購買適用的課卡 :