Hong Kong Ballet

Phase 1- Pilates | 第1期 - 普拉提課
February 18, 2021 February 25, 2021
with Jessica BURROWS

Total # of Classes

Class length
60 minutes


Date 日期: 18/2, 25/2
Time 時間:Thursday 星期四 19:15-20:15
Quota 名額:15
Fee 費用:HK$240 (2 classes 共2節)

Preparation for Virtual Classes 網課準備事項 :
  1. ZOOM.  Download ZOOM on your computer, phone, or tablet and log-in to Zoom 10 mins before the classes start. 所有工作坊都將通過Zoom實時進行。 請於電腦、手機或平板電腦預先下載Zoom應用程式,並於課堂開始10分鐘前登錄。
  2. A device with camera allows the teachers to see you. Position your camera far enough away from you for the instructor to see your full body. 準備附有網絡攝影機的設備。將鏡頭設於距離學員較遠的位置,讓導師能清楚看見學員的全身。
  3. Space. Make sure there is enough 'dance space' so that you won't hurt while dancing around at home. 確保家裡有充足的舞蹈空間,避免跳舞時受傷。
  4. Dance attire and ballet slippers are recommended. For Yoga or Pilates, you may wear yoga pants or comfortable clothing. If your hair is long, please tie it up or make it a ballet bun. 建議穿著合適的舞蹈服裝和芭蕾舞鞋。瑜伽或普拉提課的學員可穿瑜伽褲或舒適的衣服。 如果頭髮較長,請綁起來或束成髮髻。
  5. A chair as your 'barre'. A yoga mat or a big towel for Yoga or Pilates classes. 準備一張椅子當作扶把。瑜伽或普拉提課的學員需準備瑜伽墊或大毛巾。

Terms & Conditions 條款及指引 :
  1. The course fee is non-refundable and non-transferable, unless agreed by Hong Kong Ballet (HKB).
    • 除非得香港芭蕾舞團(舞團)同意,所有已繳交之費用恕不退還,而學位不可轉讓他人。
  2. HKB shall not under any liability in respect of any injury or illness or damage to the property of the participation in the workshop.
    • 在參加工作坊時參加者如有任何特殊情況出現 (如有損傷、疾病或財物損失等),舞團不會負上任何法律責任或金錢責任。
  3. HKB may film and photograph this workshop and may use the aforementioned film and/or photographs for marketing, promotional and educational purposes.
    • 舞團將於工作坊期間錄影及拍照,並使用之前提及的錄像和照片作推廣、宣傳及教育之用。
  4. The presenter reserves the right to change the arrangements of the workshop (including the programme, schedule, venue, instructor and any contents) at any time without prior notice
    • 主辦單位保留任何因應有關工作坊調動之權利 (包括課程、內容、場地、導師及時間表),恕不另行通知。
  5. All data collected will be treated as confidential and will be used solely by HKB for communications and direct marketing purposes. If you do not want to receive information from us, Please inform us via email ([email protected]).
    • 參加者資料絕對保密,並將存檔於舞團資料庫,以作日後通訊之用。如不欲接收任何資訊,請電郵 ([email protected]) 與我們聯絡。

The class takes place on...

  • February 18 at 19:15 (Thursday)
  • February 25 at 19:15 (Thursday)
This series has finished


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
