Hong Kong Ballet

Purchase Pass

Ballet Technique Class - 8 Classes 芭蕾技巧課 - 8堂

HK$2,600 – 8 Classes
Validity: 2 months 
(The first class should be started within 15 days from the date of purchase.)

Condition 條件  :

  • Eligible for all levels of Ballet Technique Class - Introduction, Elementary, Intermediate, and Pointe (An additional HK$80/class applies to Pointe class. Kindly settle the payment at the reception upon your arrival.
    同時適用於芭蕾課程所有級別 (入門、初級、中級芭蕾及足尖技巧) (足尖技巧課程每節課需另付港幣$ 80 ,請於抵達後到前台付款)

  • The course fee is non-refundable and non-transferable, unless agreed by Hong Kong Ballet (HKB).

  • The presenter reserves the right to change the arrangements of the workshop (including the programme, schedule, venue, instructor and any contents) at any time without prior notice
    主辦單位保留任何因應有關工作坊調動之權利 (包括課程、內容、場地、導師及時間表),恕不另行通知。

  • HKB may film and photograph this workshop and may use the aforementioned film and/or photographs for marketing, promotional and educational purposes.

  • Early cancellation to your booking has to be made 4 hours before the start time of your class. Pass credits will be deducted for late cancellation. 
    您能在課堂開始前4小時取消預訂 ,否則將不能補回課堂 。

  • Arrangements during Typhoons and Rainstorms in the area of Hong Kong︰
     - The class will be cancelled if typhoon signal No. 8 or above, or the Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted or remains hoisted 2 hours before the activity starts. A cancellation message will be sent out via email. Refund will be arranged.
     - The class will be held as scheduled if typhoon signal No. 8 or above, or the Black Rainstorm Warning is cancelled 2 hours before the activity starts.
    - 如於活動開始前2小時懸掛8號或以上颱風信號,或黑色暴雨警告,活動將會取消,並以電郵公布取消通告。有關退款或補堂安排將再另行以電郵通知。
    - 如8號颱風信號或黑色暴雨警告於活動前2小時取消,當日活動將會如常進行。

Studio Address 上課地址: 
Room A, 6/F, S22, 22 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong (Wong Chuk Hang Station Exit B) 
香港黃竹坑香葉道22號6樓A室 (黃竹坑站B出口)

Enquiry 查詢: 
+852 2535 8233
Email 電郵: [email protected]
Website: hkballet.com/hkbworkshops



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