Hong Kong Ballet

Barre Fit 芭蕾雕塑
with Jessica BURROWS

August 25 (Wednesday)
at 19:30

Class length
60 minutes

Studio B, Happy Valley (G/F, 60 Blue Pool Road Happy Valley, HK)

Barre Fit is an elegant, easy to follow class that seamlessly blends strength training with ballet movements. Our instructor, a professional HKB dancer, will focus on proper form and posture and provide safe modifications for students of all levels. This new fitness class is a flow-based workout that uses the ballet barre to tone muscles and increase overall stamina. Get a lean, strong ballet body today!

芭蕾雕塑Barre Fit是一門優雅、輕鬆的入門課程,借助芭蕾舞的基本元素,完美融合力量訓練與芭蕾舞動作。舞團的專業導師將專注教授正確的體態和姿勢,為不同程度的學員提供安全指導。全新芭蕾雕塑課程結合芭蕾基本動作及有氧流動練習,以達致修長肌肉線條、增加柔軟度並建立整體耐力。您也可以擁有芭蕾舞蹈員的優雅體態!

Wednesday 19:30-20:30 | Jessica BURROWS | Bio
Date 日期:
Jan 5, 12, 19, 26
Feb 9, 16
Mar 9, 16, 23
(9 sessions; No Class on Feb 2, 23, Mar 2)

Quota 名額:12
Fee 費用: $1,600 (8 classes) / $1,200 (6 classes)/ $800 (4 classes) / $220 (drop-in)

地址:香港跑馬地藍塘道60號二樓Studio A (*協和里入口)
Venue: Studio A, 1/F, 60 Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley (*Hip Wo Lane Entrance)

Purchase an Eligible Pass 購買適用的課卡:


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