Hong Kong Ballet

Masterclass Series - Yannick Boquin
with Yannick Boquin

May 11 (Saturday)
at 10:00

Class length
90 minutes

Studio 1, WCH (Room A, 6/F S22, 22 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang)

Master Class Series - Yannick Boquin | 芭蕾大師班 - 耶納克‧寳琴斯

Length: 1 hour 30 minutes

Conducted in English. 以英語面授。


One of the world's most sought after guest teachers, Yannick Boquin returns to Hong Kong Ballet to guide dancers through daily classes, elevating their technique and artistry in preparation for the upcoming Swan Lake world premiere. We are excited that Yannick will teach a public ballet masterclass on 11 May open to local ballet dancers and fans. What a special opportunity to learn firsthand from his expert coaching!

香港芭蕾舞團邀請國際著名芭蕾舞導師耶納克‧寳琴斯(Yannick Boquin)再度蒞臨,教授港芭早課,讓舞蹈員為即將上演的《天鵝湖》世界首演做好準備。耶納克‧寳琴同時亦會教授一堂芭蕾公開課,讓更多本地的芭蕾舞者和愛好者可以更深入地鍛鍊古典芭蕾舞技巧。機會難逢,立即報名!

  • Intermediate level, conducted in English 課堂為中級別並以英語授課
  • Participants must be 12 years old and up with at least five years of ballet training. 
  • 參加者需年滿12歲,具至少5年芭蕾舞訓練
  • Reference level: Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Intermediate above or equivalent. 
  • 參考級別: 獲得英國皇家舞蹈學院專業等級考試(中級)以上或相同資格
  • HK BALLET | WORKSHOPS reserves the right to require applicants to provide certificates for registration reference.
  • 港芭 | 工作坊保留收取申請學員提供相關證明的權利。

Week: Saturday 星期六

Time: 10:00am - 11:30

Length: 1 hour 30 minutes

Instructor: Yannick Bonquin

Venue: Studio 1, Room 6A, 6/F, S22, 22 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong  (3-minute walk from Wong Chuk Hang Station Exit B)

地址:香港黃竹坑香葉道22號S22六樓6A室Studio 1 (黃竹坑港鐵站B出口步行3分鐘)
